Meet the Cast of Midsummer! Spotlight on Will Downes (Peter Quince)

Will, in addition to being the Artistic Director of Classics on the Rocks, is playing Peter Quince this summer in what is possibly a too on-brand role (he is pictured to the left as Malvolio in 2017's Twelfth Night). As an actor/verse coach/company leader, Will wears a lot of hats. Don't miss his masterful wrangling of the mechanicals in Midsummer!
What's your #1 bucket list role, Shakespeare or otherwise?
Richard III. But it would be the full War of Roses character arc for him starting in Henry VI, and continue on to his namesake play.
What do you do when you're not acting - or what would you do if you weren't an actor?
When I'm not acting, I am bleeding the blue and orange of the NY Islanders, hoping that one day before I die they will win the Stanley Cup. After the inevitable heartbreak of them losing, I drown my sorrows in video games, and Netflix. If I wasn't an actor, I would probably start a classical theatre company that adheres strictly to simple, text focused storytelling. Or teach Shakespeare.
What's your most embarrassing childhood memory (that you're willing to share)?
My whole childhood was an embarrassing memory.
If a movie was being made of your life which actor would you choose to play you? What's the movie called?
"The most lamentable Comedy and cruel death of a poor player" starring Mike Meyers.
Join us this summer for one of Shakespeare's most beloved comedies filled with frolicking fairies, a ridiculous troupe of actors, and the most epic love triangle ever seen.
A Midsummer Night's Dream performs July 12, 13, 19, 20 at 7pm and July 21 at 5pm at the Alchemical Theatre Laboratory. Tickets may be purchased in advance here.
About Classics on the Rocks:
Shakespeare doesn't have to be complicated and it's our mission at Classics on the Rocks to make classical theatre accessible, exciting, palatable, and fun for everyone - whether you're brand new to Shakespeare or have read the canon cover to cover.
At Classics on the Rocks, we believe that just as whiskey doesn't need anything more than rocks to tame its bite. Shakespeare doesn't need fancy concepts, modernizations, frilly costumes, or big sets to make it relatable. All you need are talented actors who trust the text and tell the story. It's classics served simply on the rocks.