Meet the Cast of Twelfth Night! Spotlight on Robert Whiston (Sir Toby Belch)

"What's a drunken fool like?" - Olivia, Twelfth Night
Sir Toby Belch is Twelfth Night's resident drunken fool and mischief maker. A broke nobleman living well only out of the good graces of his niece Olivia - he takes advantage of the people around him simply to amuse himself. Will he learn his lesson? Find out in our production!
Today, we'd like to introduce you to Robert Whiston whose delightful portrayal of the bumbling, conniving, drunken Sir Toby Belch is charming and touching.
Name: Robert Whiston
What character do you play in Twelfth Night?
Sir Toby Belch
Where are you originally from?
When you're not onstage, what can you be found doing?
Directing, waiting tables, dealing with my latest existential crisis.
What intrigues you most about Shakespeare?
That collar he's always wearing in the portraits. Was a vet trying to keeping him from biting himself?
What character is on your Shakespeare "bucket list" to play?
Richard the Third, because of the delicious villainy. King Lear, because it freaking King Lear.
Favorite Shakespearean quote:
'Exit, pursued by a bear.' - The Winters Tale
Twelfth Night is a classic tale of twins shipwrecked and separated in a foreign land. Both assuming the other has perished - search for a way to survive in this strange new world. In doing so, they find themselves quickly caught up in the shenanigans of a world filled with clowns, pirates, and lovers.
Twelfth Night performs July 14, 15, 21, 22 at 7pm and July 23 at 5pm at the Alchemical Theatre Laboratory. Tickets may be purchased in advance here.
About Classics on the Rocks:
Shakespeare doesn't have to be complicated and it's our mission at Classics on the Rocks to make classical theatre accessible, exciting, palatable, and fun for everyone - whether you're brand new to Shakespeare or have read the canon cover to cover.
At Classics on the Rocks, we believe that just as whiskey doesn't need anything more than rocks to tame it's bite. Shakespeare doesn't need fancy concepts, modernizations, frilly costumes, or big sets to make it relatable. All you need are talented actors who trust the text and tell the story. It's classics served simply on the rocks.